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Writer's pictureDeep Signs

The year 2021 = YEAR 5

The year of Five looks like it will begin with big surprises, if you haven’t been feeling them throughout the last year, this year Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system which symbolises ‘EXPANSION’ is transiting (travelling) through Aquarius as it will come into an exact square (this is an astrology term that represents challenges) to another planet we cannot see with our naked eyes but have fun saying its name Uranus. Saturn will also be squared to Uranus as this ringed planet is currently transiting (travelling) through the fixed air of the sign Aquarius.

The planets represent the energy that is currently functioning for example Jupiter represents the function of Expansion. The signs represent the method of what is functioning. For example the sign of Aquarius represents the nation’s hope, so this is the method that Jupiter the function will expand that.

With the square at the start of 2021, will represent a time of people experiencing a national restlessness, as the subject of freedom ‘don’t fence me in’ will be very important during this time and we will all want to have the opportunity to experience our desires, as long as you are calculated (which is a 5 energy) then you will see the many sudden opportunities that will be happening in 2021.

The extreme end of this looks like more protests, more fear in groups, more rules on exports, nation’s resources and supplies.

On the other extreme end this looks like inventions with genetics, more advance technology, you manifesting your desires

What are you fighting for? As an individual this is the time and space to create valuable habits within yourself, you can start with where is Aquarius for you in your birth chart, where do you need to rule (discipline, Saturn) and expand (grow, Jupiter)

One of the universal principles of Tehuti is ‘The principle of Rhythm’ everything flows in and everything flows out, everything has its tides. And with that said, this too shall pass, but don’t pass the structure and change, dive into that consciously rather than allow change to make you change, you choose the change.

Welcome to the year FIVE

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