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Full Moon Cancer 6th January 2023 From 23:07GMT

The chart above is set for the United Kingdom, for the 6th January 2023 at 23:07GMT

This is the first Full Moon of 2023, and for the UK this Full Moon will activate the 10th and 4th houses. Houses in astrology represent the environment or area in the chart where things take place, for example, the 10th house is the area of career, public reputation, and authorities figures, and the 10th is your most public environment compared to the 4th house, which your most private environment, the area of your ancestry, your home, your inmost aspect of yourself that are not seen by everyone. Both houses represent authorities, which will be a theme highlighted by this Cancer Full Moon. Mercury retrograde will be amplified by this Full Moon Phase, to read more about mercury retrograde check out the 'blog' link in my linktree.

The UK has a Cancerian moon, this period is the Lunar return for the UK. This indicates that is significant energy related to our prime minister and other important politicians that are our authority figures ( those who set up rules and laws and asserted authority over the people living in the UK) such as The Monarch and also matters of the police could come up with some interesting news stories, maybe new policies are initiated or spring into action during this Full Moon Phase. Similar to the last Full moon, matters related to young people, our national galleries and libraries could see an influence from this Full moon, also matters related to sex or sexual laws can possibly be seen highlighted as important news during this period.

The Mercurial aspect is creating friction with this Full Moon, Mercury is currently transiting the 4th house of this chart, therefore matters of housing, farming, water and gas supplies could be influenced by rules or laws from the 10th house (the government). There could also be friction with different council members or other political movements that are underground, we may see parliaments going off, and this could come and challenge the privacy and public standing of our government and other critical public authorities figures.

I am looking forward to seeing how this astrology aspect will play out, I will come back to update after 2 weeks, see what occurred and didn't occur based on this chart, to deepen my studies in Mundane astrology, the astrology of worldly matters such as politics, finances and the general state of the city. The Recap videos can be found on my YouTube channel or on my Instagram reel page.

For a generalised personal perspective, read below for your Ascendant | Sun and Moon signs.

Aries be aware of your home environment, tidy up and let go of things that you aren't using any more, also cleanse the spirit - maybe hold a meditation and go within and let go of childhood aspects that no longer serve who you are now

Taurus be aware of how you communicate with yourself and others, release self-negative talk or gossiping about others - maybe write some positive affirmations about what you want to see manifest or text a friend something inspirational, and release positivity through your communication

Gemini be aware of your resources and income, release any habits that are keeping you from your money goals - maybe think about where your money values come from and if they still serve who you are now and want to be

Cancer is aware of your body and releases any tension kept in the body from emotions and the external environment- Self-massage, Yoga, exercise and a few ways to release stress.

Leo, it's time to let go of the past, things that happened a month ago, a year ago or even at an earlier time. You deserve to be confident in many ways as you are a legendary leader, so surrender to what cannot be changed, your pain is your power let it feed your purpose. Journaling, self-therapy, epigenetic, and self-care activities can be a few ways you spend in going within.

Virgo it's time to separate yourselves from social spaces and friendship circles that don't support your goals, and don't add to your income - let it go, let them go. Spend time reflecting on how much you put time into these people or spaces to help the development and is that time returned in a way that It helps your goals and dreams develop.

Libra this is time to clean up your social life also, similar to Virgo, are you happy with your career or the current things you are doing in public? If not let go of those things or go deeper and understand the habits. If you have a brand, this is a good time to reflect on this brand and its achievement so far

Scorpio time to let go of early belief systems that have reached in how they help you progress. This could be a time when you seek guidance from your divine thoughts, your dreams or even higher societies like your spiritual groups, your university groups or your tribe people. "You are more than what you think" reflect on your spirit and mindset this Full Moon

Sagittarius this could be a time when you sort out your taxes, and other joint financial duties that are upcoming, release yourself from them-try not to procrastinate (Pro-tomorrow syndrome) take time to reflect on the money you owe others and money owed to you, sounds simple yet can be overwhelming if you wait until the Tax is due, which it is the end of January. Release yourself from debt if you can this Full moon

Capricorn this full moon is significant for your relationships, it may be time to spend with your partner to reflect on each other's goals and how you can support each other, let go of what wasn't working in the relationship and come to peace, this can be done for your business relationships also. Be mindful when it comes to agreeing to sign a contract-don't rush to read it through and be patient with yourself and others this Full Moon

Aquarius release yourself from habits that aren't supportive of your health, look at your daily routine so far and see how you can adjust it to bring positive consequences on your health. Even letting go of a stubborn mindset for the next 2 weeks can be a good start, for example doing a 2-week exercise or diet challenge-see how you feel afterwards. Similar to Capricorn be patient with others mainly your co-workers or with the services you use

Pisces this could be a time when you spend it with your children, if you're a parent or guardian this could be getting rid of old stuff that the children no longer need, or reflecting on their educational matters. If you are a creative, entrepreneur or investor take your time to go over your business matters, maybe you want to let go of something so that you can add something new to your business, or maybe you are waiting to buy low this Full Moon. Reflect on your self-expression and let go of anything that is holding you from freely expressing

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