Peace Divines, welcome back to another blog about the Full moon. The moon in general is the closest celestial body in our sky, we (the earth) rotate so in tune with the moon we don't see the moons other side of it from our viewpoint, as the moon goes around the earth the sun lights up different parts of it, from our viewpoint on earth we see the moon change shapes, so we begin to see why the moon is symbol to our emotions and physical body. The full moon is a time for us to focus our attention those aspects of us that physical and emotional.
Reflect on how you are feeling in general, celebrate what has come to fruition and also let go of what isn't working anymore. Full moon is time of high energies and there is much action occurring on the earth during this time, not only to human life force but to other life forms on earth.
I will focus mainly on the UK geopolitics and also give a brief insight for each zodiac sign.
This Full Moon is occurring in the sign of Leo, Leo is the fixed fire of the zodiac, Dynamic, constant, reliable and brings about stability is what the Leo's motto is-'I will'. With the full moon taking the light of Leo, this can indicate a time of dynamic expressions, creativity on a positive aspect, self-righteous assumptions, heated expressions can lead to conflict during this full moon on negative aspect. Depending on your habits this full moon can manifest for the worst or the better. Overall the is a strong wilful energy during this period.
UK geopolitics
For the UK this full moon is activating the 12th-6th houses. Houses in astrology represent the environment or area in a chart where things/events take place, for example the 12th house in astrology represents personal development, confinement, hostility, disease, and foreign lands. The 12th house represent those areas in life where you go away to retreat and also the areas in our life where we can develop from our past actions. Compared to the 6th house in astrology which represents the work we do, diseases and our health in general, the household chores we must do, all of that everyday stuff is the 6th house. Both the houses represent diseases and development.
With this full moon in Leo indicates that we will see for the next 2 weeks matters related to our homelessness, national health service, salvation army, and other charities will play a dominate role for the next 2weeks.We could also bare witness to changes to our prison services, and how we treat asylum seeker coming from foreign lands. Changes or much disruption could arise with our public servants - the armed force, doctors, the police, the firefighters, to our welfare services such as Universal credit, disability or housing... all of those services could see some changes, disruption or announce something important during this period. We could bare witness to the two dominant political parties the Conservative Party and the Labour Party be more animated during these next few days.
I am looking forward to seeing how this astrological aspect will play out the UK geopolitics, I will be back to update my predication in 2weeks- see what occurred and see what didn't occur. The recap videos can be found on my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@SpectrumOfSalomeSOS/featured
Personal readings
Read below for your sun sign| moon sign| ascendant sign- related to all signs around the world (Read all 3 if you know them otherwise read your sun sign better known as your horoscope or zodiac sign)
Leo this full moon become more Intune with your body and how you are generally feeling energy wise. great time to replenish the electrolytes and add more vitality to the body, foods such as spinach, avocados and lentils can be foods to add to your diet during this period. In general celebrate the projects that have been completed and let go of what wasn't working in your environment.
Virgo this full moon focus on letting go of the past, things that happened weeks ago or even earlier, learn from your past and develop from it what you can. Virgo your great a practical changes, so surrender and turn your past pain into power that serves your purpose. Journaling, therapy, self care activities can be a few ways you spend this full moon period.
Libra this full moon its time to separate yourselves from social spaces and friendship circles that no longer support your goals, and don't recognise you. Spend time on reflecting on how much you put into your goals, look at what can be adjusted and celebrate how far you have come. sharing your goals with your friends, or being involved in a group activity could be a few ways you spend this full moon period.
Scorpio this full moon spend some time to reflect on your career, similar to Libra celebrate how far you have come, maybe you receive a promotion at work or share with the public a dream of yours, or share with the public your brand and what it represents. This full moon is all about your public life and work, so if something at work isn't working you may see that come to full, just be careful not to react in a way you will embarrassed about after this 2 week period is over. Sharing your brand with the public, getting rid of what isn't working with the business or spending time with your boss could be a few activity you do during this period
Sagittarius this full moon spend time on your mindset/ belief system, reflect on how far you have come with that mind. This could be a time when you expand your mind in different ways, you could just have past an course in a new subject now your ready to show the world what you learnt, or you want to develop yourself by visiting different places so you take a trip to a foreign place. Either way Sag, this full moon be aware of your mind and the belief systems you choose to project.
Capricorn this full moon spend time on sorting out your taxes, and other joint financial duties that arise during this period. Take time to go over any more you owe others and any more owed to you. On a psychological level focus on your worries and where they stem from, go deeper and similar to Virgo, use your past/fear as power to fuel your goals.
Aquarius this full moon spend time on all your significant relations. This could be a time when you and 'the other' take time to review your goals and see how you have been holding each other accountable, let go of what isn't working in your all your relationships- business and personal. Be careful with signing agreements, don't rush it through, understand it and then sign it if it aligns. You could spend time developing your relationships during this period.
Pisces this full moon release yourself from habits that aren't supportive of your health. Look at your daily routine so far and see how you can adjust it so your health doesn't suffer. At work clean up, and also celebrate any complements achieved at work. You could spend time look after your body and work.
Aries this full moon spend time with your children (if your a parent/carer) or work with children - this period could be full of energy when you take the children out to their fun places or learn something new while at the museum. This period is also about your creative side, how you express fun(unfiltered) therefore if you have a romantic partner, the bedroom action could be FULL during this period. Investor, entrepreneur, creators, artists -all Aries, during this full moon show up for yourself and express. Let go of anything that is holding you back from expressing freely .
Taurus this full moon be aware of your home environment- tidy up, do a cleanse at home, even hold a meditation within you home during this period, as matters related to family, and parents are going to be Full doing this period.
Gemini this full moon let go of negative self thinking, talking and self doing, change how to communicate with yourself and others- release yourself from gossip and all that chat chat that isn't productive. Maybe write some positive affirmations, or text a friend something inspirational. During this full moon period, you could be spending your time replying back to messages from your relative and friends.
Cancer this full moon focus on releasing any habits that are keeping you from your money goals. where do your money values come from? do they still make sense at this stage of your life or where you see yourself to be. During this full moon period focus on your self worth and your income.
For a astrological reading visit https://spectrumofsalome.company.site/