On June 14th a full moon occurs in the tropical zodiac sign of Sagittarius. This full moon is extraordinary as it will be the closest to the earth, this full moon will appear slightly brighter and more prominent in our sky than a regular full moon, for those of you who look up, fulljoy the beautiful celestial body.
The full moon Sagittarius is making major connections to Saturn and Neptune. Saturn -the principle of discipline within astrology is making a positive aspect to the moon, this indicates practical solutions, patience and emotional maturity, while Saturn and the moon are good, Neptune- the principle of the unconditional understanding isn't so good with the moon, the energy isn't reaching the moon positively, this indicates that we may not see things very clearly, our emotions may be foggy, this isn't the best time to make massive decisions that require a clear mind. Overall the best way to use this energy is to take practical steps to realise your dreams, being disciplined and seeing things clearly is a major key to this energy.
The sign of Sagittarius will represent the main condition of this full moon. The moon transiting Sagittarius indicates a time of personal values, personal financial concerns and self-confidence to end, or finished up the loose ends, this full moon. We will want to deal with each other in a more honest and open manner. Sagittarius is the only mutable fire zodiac sign, this means that Sagittarius energy is about consuming and embracing change, the motto of the full moon is 'I ASPIRE'
Tune into your feelings by journaling- how are you feeling mentally and physically?
Meditation, Deep breathing, Yoga - All can stabilise blood pressure, which can help improve your mood
Spend time with earth resources, Sunbathing, forest walking, earthing
Clean your environment
Bring things to an end, making space for the new
Read for your Ascendant sign| Sun sign| Moon sign
Fire Signs
Sagittarius- Focus on your body and form, and personality, it is time to evaluate yourself focus on what is important and needs to be expanded, but also what needs to be concluded
Leo-Focus on investments, business, creative outlets, children or your inner child, It’s a good time to let out your inner desires and be more carefree, have fun
Aries-Focus on mindset, educational advances and travel, you could be concluding a project or legal complication that has been long overdue
Earth Signs
Capricorn- Focus on your personal development, travel to the past and start a new perspective of forgiveness and letting go, and release yourself from past pains, another way to personally develop yourself is by helping others if you are in a position to help others do so without judgement
Taurus-Focus on what your fears are telling you, what is it you can no longer overlook (time for rebirth Taurus) also focus on joint assets| finances and money that you owe others like tax or others owe you.
Virgo -Focus on your inner private life - home improvement and family, this could indicate finishing a project at home or resolving a family issue
Water Signs
Scorpio- Focus on your self-worth and what is it fueled by, as this lunar energy overall focus on what you need to feel secure and comfortable.
Pisces- Focus on your desired place of work and what role you desire to play in society, be careful in public not to embarrass yourself or cause others distress, rather focus on bringing things to a close with any work you may have
Cancer-Focus on your health physical and mental, and also focus on your daily habits including your workspace and the people you work with, what loose ends need to be finished at work or with the services you provide?
Air Signs
Libra -Focus on your friendships, relatives and how you generally communicate with them every day, maybe you bring to a close a project or conversation you started with a friend or relative.
Aquarius-Focus on your hopes and wishes. what is your desired income? and what support do you need to attain for your hopes and wishes to become a reality?
Gemini-Focus on your partnerships and agreements - this could be you reflecting on your relationships and tightening up loose ends in business or business partnerships.
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