The New Moon occurs when the moon is directly between the Earth and Sun. During this time we cannot seek the moon from Earth, this is known as a new moon or sometimes a dark moon, when only a part of the sun's light is blocked by the moon from our perspective on earth, this is when a 'Partial eclipse occurs'.
The new moon represents a time for initiation, new actions and welcoming of the new, so does the partial solar eclipse that will occur on 30th April 2022 and Oct 25th 2022, during this period we experience new actions, changes and it may align with the celebrations of different cultures, as the common them during an eclipse is it marks a new beginning. Therefore look out for change if it hasn't started already.
What is happening with this new moon eclipse from an astrological reading?
This lunar eclipse energy is happening in the tropical zodiac sign of 'Taurus' Taurus represents earth energy that is fixed, or coiled within, therefore we can read this as new moon energy as fixed (consistent) actions which lend to fixed stability and safety.
Time to bring consistency into your life, what new actions can lead to that freedom?
Uranus the planet that represents change and suddenness is conjoined to this new moon eclipse, with the energy of 'sudden change' conjoined with 'new beginnings' its time for changes that are practical and lead to stability and safety - feeling secure is fundamental to our overall wellness, let the change in, see what values can be gain in starting something new.
While this new moon eclipse is occurring Venus the ruler of the new moon is in the tropical zodiac of Pisces, the sign of Pisces represents belief, compassion and going beyond the limitation, therefore with the practical changes coming with the new moon, belief in yourself, express your goals and let those who can support you positively in. Let go and grow beyond the limitation of stagnating friendships or social circles or your own mindset from early childhood - Time to start a new mindset programme or a new diet, whatever it may be fully'joy, as the is much expansive energy coming with this new moon eclipse, therefore plant your intentions and looking forward to the changes coming with the next few weeks
Read For Your Rising Sign | Moon Sign | Sun Sign
Earth Signs:
Taurus: Focus on your body, personality and overall foundation of your life
Virgo: Focus on mindset, educational advances and travel
Capricorn: Focus on investments, business, children and creative outlets
Water Signs:
Cancer: Focus on your hopes and wishes. what is your desired income? and what support do you need to attain your hopes and wishes?
Scorpio: Focus on your partnerships and agreements - this could be your be a new start of a relationship or business partnership you have wanted to do
Pisces: Focus on your friendships, relatives and how you generally communicate every day, maybe you start a new promotion within your community or start a project a with a relative
Air Signs:
Aquarius: Focus on your inner private life - home and family
Gemini: Focus on your personal development, travel to the past and start a new perspective of forgiveness - if this means travelling away to a foreign land to retreat and gain peace of mind, start planning for that retreat.
Libra: Focus on what your fears are telling you, what is it you can no longer overlook (time for rebirth Libra) also focus on joint assets| finances and money that you owe others or others owe you
Fire Signs:
Aries: Focus on your self worth and what is it fueled by, as this overall influences your money, food and overall wealth
Leo: Focus on your desired place of work and what role you desire to play in society
Sagittarius: Focus on your health physical and mental, and also focus on your daily habits including your workspace and the people you work with.