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November 19th Full Moon, (partial) Lunar eclipse 27˚14 in the fixed Earth of Taurus


A partial lunar eclipse happens when the Earth moves between the Sun and Moon but the three celestial bodies do not align a straight line, which means only part of the moon's surface is covered by the earth's shadow, making part of the moon go dark. During this time the public mood is affected and when we look at where this energy is occurring in our individual charts we can see where we are personally influenced, check what house Taurus rules to give you more details of this time for you. As this moon is in the sign of Taurus which is exalted in this sign, often relates to family matters, financial matters, nutritional matters and matters of all self-value. As this is a full moon it favours a time of completion.

The moon's reddish colour brings about an energy of self-awareness and courage to gain security in ourselves and be aware of our flight and fight impulses.

Take good care of your nervous system and the foods you eat (mentally and physically) as Jupiter the planet of expansion is making a challenging connection to this lunar energy that can bring about overindulgence and arrogant impulses. With Mercury also in the mix of this energy doesn't forget to apply common sense and reasoning this coming week, take time to meditate or do a deep breathing exercise to help calm the nerves which encourage better blood flow to the mind for better thinking and reactions. Pluto in astrology is a powerful force that represents transformation and transitions, Pluto is currently bringing positive vibes to this lunar energy which means we all have the ability to change our situations in a way that is beneficial for us. These coming weeks we may see endings to new beginnings. How will you choose to change for the better? what is holding you back from changing?

Read for three, your Rising/Ascendant sign, Moon sign and Sun sign- if you only know your horoscope read for your sun sign and get a free birth chart here:

For the Earth sign - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

This is time to release all emotional feelings that are holding you back in your creative self-expression and express yourself, what is holding you back from having fun and bringing your creativity, romantic side? As this is time for you and how you see the world, the beliefs that influence your habits, where did these beliefs come from and how can you expand them? It is a great time to travel to foreign lands or to simply devote your time towards valuable learning, even at a party you can learn a lot by having a conversation and also expressing yourself by shaking it out or networking by showing others what you have to offer and speaking of your passions and gifts, or you could simply change your appearance, maybe a new dress style or new ways of hair expression, whatever it is Earth sign, what is important to you and what needs to change for you to express that

For the Water sign - Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer

This is time to direct much attention to your close friendships, close relationships, business partnerships, any contracts and agreements. This full moon could see you receive a call from relatives or attend a local event. This is also a good time to see what needs eliminating from matters that longer serve you in communication, relationships and in friendships. Think about who are your supporters? How do I bring value to this friendship/relationship and how does it fill me with value? whatever it is Water sign, what is important is your goals and dreams and what changes do you need to make to relate that to others?

For the Air sign - Gemini, Aquarius, Libra

This lunar energy will influence very personal matters of home, family, taxes, loss, the loss can be from death or the fear of death, these are just a few examples of changes that can occur for you. This could be a time when you go for a family visit or spend time changing your home environment. Joint finances could be important during this time if you are having many challenges during this personal time, mediation practices can help during this period of sensitivity. Whatever the manifestation, what is important is the changes you make to your habits of earlier life conditioning, how can you heal from your past? what have you chosen to learn from the past?

For the Fire sign - Sagittarius, Aries, Leo

This is time to deal with your values – material comforts such as clothing, phones. Family matters- such as family budget and early childhood experiences connected to your self-esteem. Matters of health and daily habits could show up this full Moon as important. This could be a time for you to put more effort into your craft to achieve a work status, like a promotion or other business dealings that could occur during this lunar cycle. Whatever the manifestation, what is most important is the changes you make to your self-worth, how do you value yourself as an individual on this earth? what habits do you value and what does it look like when you engage with these habits? How do you want to be seen in public? these are a few questions that can support your personal development of this lunar energy.

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