A new moon is when the moon passes between the sun and earth, so the moon appears hidden, from the bright sun, so the side facing the Earth appears dark. From time to time the moon's path lines up with the sun in such a way that part or all of the sunlight is blocked, causing partial or when the sunlight is completely blocked we see a total solar eclipses from our viewpoint on earth, we have had one total solar eclipse, and the next one in 2021 is happening on Dec. 4. it can be seen in totality from Antarctica, with partial views visible from South Africa and the South Atlantic.
This very powerful union of the sun and moon usually correlate to the activity of family, and domestic matters. This planet of communication, agreements, contracts, the youth, buying and selling, Mercury is in conjunction with this lunar energy, this shows it is a time to apply a change to your communication, this can manifest in many ways such as an invitation to a family or social function or opportunities may arise that present a change in your environment. Neptune the planet that represents illusion, dreaming, compassion is making a connection to this lunar energy, this connection has bad reception, what this can manifest as is procrastination or mental confusion. I would suggest taking meditation and mindfulness seriously during this time, even 7mins in the rising or anytime you pick within the 24 hours, keep it up during this month. Jupiter the planet that represents compassion and Saturn the planet that represents seriousness are both sharing positive vibration to this lunar energy, allowing us to have serious compassion for the changes that we see in ourselves, to have serious compassion for our past and surrender to what we can not change and understand what we can change and take action (not just dream about it do it)
The new moon degree in Sagittarius12°21 has a powerful message, as numbers are just symbols that represent energies at play. 12°21 (1+2+1+2=6) This six energy aligns well with the changes occurring with the new moon solar eclipse, the six represent responsibility, support and compassion. During this month have compassion for the past you had and be serious and responsible about what changes you want to experience, nurture your dreams and take action. This is the time to start a journey inside parts of your core self. This new Moon, create a gratitude list of 12 things you are grateful for and 12 things you have learnt, looking back through the previous new Moon, what came up, what actions did you take and what actions will you take moving forward. Create your vision for 2022.
Read below for your Sun sign also known as your horoscope sign, read for the moon and rising sign, all three signs will give you a better insight on how this lunar energy may manifest for you. If you only know your sun sign, read for that for a general insight
For All Zodiac Signs
If you are a Fire sign - Sagittarius, Leo, Aries
This Lunar energy can present a change with your children if you have them, or you find out you are having a child, the changes can occur within your inner child - your creative expression, maybe you start a new enterprise or start investing, travelling or a new course of study. This expression of the lunar energy can manifest a change of appearance or belief, show compassion to your most private areas - past memories, family dynamics, joint finances as these aspects are emotional, so take responsibility for your self-care. Create an affirmation with your children or plan a fun adventure for the family or yourself. This is a good time to study or apply to study higher educational subjects. This New Moon will focus on a new you, new expression, new vision.
If you are an Earth sign - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
The Lunar energy can present change to your most private areas of family, parents, joint values, you can find yourself in foreign lands to retreat and let go. You can create more optimism and adventure within your home and domestic affairs, by communicating, listening to your relatives, listening to your partner, listening to your friends, what is it that needs to change and part of the change can you take responsibility for, changes can occur with family and close friends. This can be renewing family relations, having a celebration within the home or buying something new and exciting for the home. During this new Moon, you can review joint resources, see what needs to be done and improved on and be sure to definitely take time for yourself to just unwind the memories of the year, and create the space for the New Year.
If you are a Water sign- Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio
The lunar energy can present change within your income, career, work, health, daily maintenance and wellbeing, so this new Moon can see you think more about your resources – food, car, clothes and anything else you value. This new Moon can see you spending time creating an action plan with positive reminders for 2022, whatever comes up with this new Moon take responsibility and focus on your self-esteem. Review how you have been feeling and create an action plan for 2022. Show compassion to yourself and how you express yourself in general and take time to recharge and readjust yourself, this can be with a warm bath, or just taking some 'ME' time and doing healing works at home or in your private space.
If you are an Air sign - Gemini, Cancer, Libra
This Lunar energy can present a change in friendships, relationships and social affairs.
During this lunar time you can see yourself in more social spaces online and around your community. Use this time to celebrate and create that positive vibe that was so much missed at the start of the year. Note down your aims for 2022 and what action will help you manifest that experience. Connect with your relatives, send kind messages to them or present a huge hug to them. Within your business and personal relationship this is a great time to create positive actions for 2022, and healing from the 2021 experiences stronger. Show compassion to your home space, family and foundation - if things at home are too hot, step outside for a few moments of deep breathing, use your current experience to fuel your future needs