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Libra Full Moon | 16th Apr 2022| 19:54GMT

Around once per month (MOONth) as the moon orbits the Earth, the Sun lights up different parts of the moon, making it seem as if the Moon is changing shape from our viewpoint on Earth. Once the face of the Moon is fully turned towards the Sun, it’s a Full Moon.

A Full Moon is a time for us to focus our attention on our physical and emotional bodies. How are you feeling emotionally and physically, notice your emotional body and physical body, what are they telling you? what must you let go of? The full moon presents an opportunity to reflect on those questions and in general reflect on what needs to be completed, also what has come to light in full that you are grateful for?

This Full Moon is happening in the tropical zodiac sign of LIBRA. Libra is a cardinal air sign, as the moon is moving through the airs of Libra, this indicates a period of increased social relations that leads toward bringing about balance and cooperation. With the moon in a Cardinal sign, it's time to take action toward bringing 'MA'AT' -What is MA'AT? MA'AT is order, righteousness and truth, it is time to take action towards creating more balance in our lives, show more gratitude to even the smallest creations of peace in our lives and time to let go of what no longer serves you, and become balanced with yourself, understand that you are divine.

This Full Moon is ruled by Venus | The planet Venus in astrology represents alliances, resources, pleasures and harmony is currently transiting the sign of Pisces where Venus is very happy and in bliss. The ruler of this full moon Venus is in the sign of Pisces, this indicates its time to develop greater compassion toward others in the public, with our families and also with ourselves. The can be increased public spiritual, religious public interactions and also a greater understanding of those who are going through a challenging time-increased charity and interactions lead by compassion.

Overall this Full moon transit in Libra inspires mass cooperation, sympathy, appreciation of beauty and compassion for others.

Activates that you can do this Full moon:

  • Mediate

  • Affirmations - write them, speak them, do them together

  • Personal development

  • Fasting

  • Earthing - be around nature

  • Poetry

  • Take care of your feet and eat encouraging foods for your kidney health

  • Help others in need

  • 'Air it out' speak up and share your feelings - or journal them

Read below for your Sun | Moon | Rising sign. You can read for all three to get a better understanding, or just read for your Sun sign (horoscope sign)

Air signs - Libra | Gemini | Aquarius

The moon in Libra will show a period of considerable emotional expression and sensitivity regarding others and yourself. The health of your physical body will be of concern, maybe you let go of a destructive mindset that was causing emotional and physical distress. Weight matters are often experienced during this time, so be mindful of your food and drink consumption. Contacts from foreign lands could show up during this full moon that could be of importance, look out for those opportunities just in case. For the next 20 days, you may experience increased opportunities for social engagement, great favours from those in power and possible air signs, you desire to buy something new or budget your material needs, try to be aware of extravagant spending that is not needed, invest your resources and remember your greatest asset is your breath! invest into it also, tap into some breathwork during this full moon lasting for 21 days and note how you feel after that period.

Fire signs - Sagittarius | Aries | Leo

The moon in Libra will show a period of increased contact with your friends, groups and organisation, this could be a great time to reflect on your support system and how have your goals been supported within this group. All your relationships will be highlighted both personal and public, this is a great time to reflect on your business plan with your business partner or to reflect on your marriage, friendships, and what is coming up within your close relationships? what doesn't work anymore? what needs to transition? For the next 20 days, you may be offered collaboration in business, or reflect on your joint finance, therefore look out for communication in the form of a phone call, text, email or social media that can be of serious importance during these few days the full moon is here and the days after. Take some time to bring more within the home, you can focus on spring cleaning the home, buying new items for the home and most importantly bringing harmony between family members to the home, fire signs for the next few weeks you can use the home as a space to experience yourself creatively or privately develop yourself through yoga, mediation or just relax - allow yourself that moment just for yourself

Earth signs - Capricorn | Taurus | Virgo

The moon in Libra will show a period of increased emphasis on your professional and business affairs, you may want to transition to a career that allows you more social status and financial freedom, this could be a time where you make practical plans to make that happen, maybe get ready to ask for a raise at work, or completely let go and start a new job/ business/service. Matters dealing with money will be of importance, normally this also brings up self-worth matters, what are your underlying commitments to money? what habits are stopping you from receiving the wealth you desire? How can you increase wealth in your life? reflect on these questions, and be willing to let go of habits that no longer serve you positively, in general, don't overburden yourself as this can affect your overall health. For the next 20 days as Venus is in Pisces you may find yourself around new opportunities that come from your social circle that can support goals that you have, the right friendships and alliances can be a major key in achieving all you desire, therefore be considerate who you keep as friends. Increased communication in this period can indicate a short trip with family members or close friends, or this can be increased writing (of affirmations maybe) or new ideas you desire to share with your community.

Water signs - Scorpio | Pisces | Cancer

The moon in Libra will show a period of increased sensitivity towards the most private aspects of your life, involvement with parents, grandparents and home is indicated during this time, this could be a great time for home improvements, family budgeting and discussion of wills, legacies and inheritances, matters of death could have start psychoanalysing aspects of your life. Take some quiet time to be aware of yourself and your environment, meditate, journal or do some breathing work during this time as this will help you organise your thoughts and also let go of resurfacing emotional memories. Your sensitivity is on high alert, therefore use your breath to guide you during this time. During the next 20 days as Venus transits Pisces indicates greater interest in buying nice things for yourself or treating yourself to a spa, or getting that new hairdo you have been thinking about. If you have children or work with children this could be an increased time with them, playing games or going to the art museum or simply making time to take a well deserved holiday, some of you water signs will visit close friends and families for weddings ceremonies if this is the case full'joy your time.

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