We have approached that time when the moon is visible to our eyes, on the 16th of February the will be a full moon in the sign of Leo.
A Full Moon occurs when the moon is on the opposite side of the earth from the sun (so the earth is between the sun and moon) and we can see the side of the moon that the sun illuminates from the earth. During the time of a full moon, our emotions can be heightened as we are coming to an end of a cycle. So during these times compassion, cooperation and understanding will need to be exercised.
The Full Moon in the transiting the tropical zodiac sign of Leo, the lunar energy takes on Leo qualities. Leo is a fixed fire, energetic, active, expressive along with that energy Leo's energy isn't easily swayed, this sign has great focus. The full moon transiting this sign can indicate a time of expression, creativity inspirations on the positive manifestation, the other polarity of the full moon can indicate self-righteous assumptions, heated expressions that can lead to conflicts. Depending on your habits this full moon can manifest for better or worse as unfinished business can come up, take time to reflect on what needs to be finished and in general observe your feelings during the lunar times if you feeling very low, its time to find creative tools that can help uplift your energies.
The Full Moon will be exposed to different energies that will colour the creative energy of the full moon in Leo. Saturn and the nodes of the moon are playing a part in the lunar energy
Saturn in astrology represents:
Seriousness - Being responsible, safety
Discipline - Having a plan, order, structure, organisation
Wisdom - learned lessons from experience
Time- limitations, delays, deep-rooted
The nodes of the moon in astrology represent direct energy towards our desires.
Saturn and the moon's nodes are exposing uneasy energy towards this lunar energy in Leo, this indicates an intense responsibility towards public and professional dealings, on a personal level this energy can be used to direct creativity towards structuring your public life and private life. Challengings with authorities, governments or with people in power can test your patience and based on your beliefs and habits this period can be a time of heavier emotions. Your private life may demand more and a sacrifice may be required during this full moon. Try to be motivated enough to call the people you trust or to be around activities that uplift the spirit.
Read for your Ascending sign, Moon sign and Sun sign for a holistic view.
FIRE SIGNS - Leo | Aries | Sagittarius
Generally, during this time you may experience greater emotional sensitivity regarding yourself and regarding others, this may be based on how you look or how you express your character. You may feel to express yourself more during this time romantically or creatively, maybe you attend a social function, or organise your creative pursuits for the year, for example creating content for your business or expanding yourself through education. Your dreams may be activated during this time so keep a dream journal close.
AIR SIGNS- Aquarius | Libra | Gemini
Generally, during this time all forms of relationships will be emphasized and can indicate a period of significate communication with your immediate friends, neighbours, romantic partnership and relatives. During this time you could interact with groups or social circles that support your goals, if you find yourself in a group setting remember cooperation and a mindset that is positive can help you achieve a great deal during this lunar cycle
WATER SIGNS - Scoprio| Pisces | Cancer
Generally, this time will indicate awareness of income, resources and personal worth, the can be concern and sensitivity towards your family financial security, food budget and daily hygiene and family chores as well as your personal security- your self worth, this could be a time when feelings that built your self-esteem arise, this tends to be family matters. You may have interaction with your parents or bosses during the time of the lunar cycle. As emotions are high the may be some conflicts related to authority (parent/boss) or this can be you having a public emotional conflict, try to use your breathing to lead your feelings out of the heaviness that can come with conflicts or fear of worthiness.
EARTH SIGNS - Taurus| Virgo | Capricorn
Generally, this is a period you place attention on the most private aspects of your life. With the heightened energy of the lunar cycle, you may experience fear or fear of death, debt, taxes or any joint financial matter. Emotional energy could be directed towards family and all your domestic affairs, this could manifest as family visits or taking care of the home finances and general family care. Find the courage to engage with meditative disciplines during this time to help uplift your spirit.
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Share this blog with your friends and family, until the next lunar energy, peace