General information for all the signs
Full Moon in a fixed air of Aquarius represents a time for collective energies. A full moon is this time when we see what is full in our lives, so we can see what is complete and also it is time to let go of what no longer serves us. This full moon is being influenced by the energy of Saturn. Saturn represents seriousness, obstacles and development. During this period development your feelings, so you can see how you bring value to others and how they return that energy exchange, do these groups, friendships, institutions support your goals? and how do you reflect that back?
You can harness this energy positively by apply self-discipline in the way you handle your professional, family and financial responsibilities in a manner that is both serious and practical.
General information of the signs is sectioned into their elements. Read for your Rising, moon and sun sign - if you only know your horoscope (the sun sign) click this link here to get a free birth chart