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Writer's pictureDeep Signs

July 24th at 02:36 GMT Full Moon 1˚ 26 Fixed air of Aquarius

General information for all the signs

Full Moon in a fixed air of Aquarius represents a time for collective energies. A full moon is this time when we see what is full in our lives, so we can see what is complete and also it is time to let go of what no longer serves us. This full moon is being influenced by the energy of Saturn. Saturn represents seriousness, obstacles and development. During this period development your feelings, so you can see how you bring value to others and how they return that energy exchange, do these groups, friendships, institutions support your goals? and how do you reflect that back?

You can harness this energy positively by apply self-discipline in the way you handle your professional, family and financial responsibilities in a manner that is both serious and practical.


General information of the signs is sectioned into their elements. Read for your Rising, moon and sun sign - if you only know your horoscope (the sun sign) click this link here to get a free birth chart

If you are an Air sign - Aquarius Gemini Libra

This period is an emotionally heighten time. Take good care of your body, be mindful of overdoing it with food and drinks this full Moon. You may seek out fun this full Moon; you may attend a social gathering, or romance fun during this lunar phase. Long travelling, like family trips, educational trips to landmarks or that have historical and cultural importance can be acted on during this time, contact with universities and institutions may provide information during this time, maybe you will receive results of an exam you took or attending a ceremony in these places.

If you are a Fire - Leo Sagittarius Aries This period is important for communication and short distance trips with neighbours, friends and family members. As this is a time of heightened emotions that you may need to overcome confusion and restless energies that may be in your immediate environment and also with family, some of you may have a great deal of contact with the public mainly related to business. Personal relationships may be a source of confusion or emotional upset. If this is the case, what is the root of the confusion, remember this is an air lunar energy, so air out the stagnate energies. Communication is key with this lunar cycle for you are a Fire sign. If possible, adopt a more humanitarian outlook find ways you can express that positively to the group.

If you are a Water sign - Scorpio Cancer Pisces This lunar energy will influence the most private parts of your life, matters related to parents, ancestry, land, loss or the fear of loss. Time alone may become more important during this time. As this is a time of high emotions, try to see what is the root of the emotional experience, is it coming from an early childhood experience? Or is it coming from unpaid loans, or coming from joint financial obligations, whatever the reality is, this transit of the Full Moon is best to spend time in a safe space, maybe spend time alone, meditate or go see a family member, cook and share the time, or go see close friends or family who is experiencing hardship. Or simple be with your innermost thoughts and transmuting what doesn't serve you and celebrating what has

If you are an Earth sign - Taurus Capricorn Virgo

With this lunar energy you may be more concerned with your health and daily habits, maybe your want to change your everyday lifestyle, this can come in many ways of course but the food you consume is one way of changing your health. This could be a time you get rewarded, maybe you get a promotion or a loving comment in public or your reputation is more important to your security during this time, take care when dealing with people in power, parents, bosses. Focus on your material comforts, your earnings, what is it you value, see what comes up this lunar cycle and cut what no longer serves its purpose and work on progressing what does.

Hope the above information brought value to how you organised the next few weeks. If you desire to get a personal reading click here:

To purchase your deep signs 2021 calendar click here:

Thank you for the energy exchange

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