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Writer's pictureDeep Signs

Full Moon Virgo | 18th March 2022| 07:17GMT

Around once per month (MOONth) as the moon orbits the Earth, the Sun lights up different parts of it, making it seem as if the Moon is changing shape from our viewpoint on Earth. Once the face of the Moon is fully turned towards the Sun, it’s a Full Moon.

A Full Moon is a time for us to focus our attention on our physical and emotional bodies. Reflect on how you are feeling emotionally and physically, what is your body telling you? what must you let go of? what has shown up in the body that deserves your attention? The full moon presents an opportunity to reflect on those questions and in general reflect on what needs to be completed, also what are you grateful for?

This Full Moon in Virgo will illuminate the characteristics of Virgo. Virgo is an Earth sign that is forever changing, however, the change manifests through the earth is (structured, planned and organised) This Full Moon in Virgo then indicates a concern for planning and general concern for the mass will be towards matters of health, diet and practical affairs. The challenging manifestation indicated during this full moon in Virgo can be critical behaviours and health challenges concerning the public.

Pluto, is a powerful force in our solar system from an astrological perspective, during this Full Moon in Virgo, Pluto the energy that represents death, transformation, transition and rebirth is in a harmonious position to the Virgo Full Moon, this indicates a period of eliminations of unneeded matters from personal feelings (emotions/habits), matters of health and business affairs. If you have destructive habits you desire to let go of during this full moon, this Pluto x Moon harmonious positioning can help you transition those habits into positive habits that help improve your relationships and overall life.

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Sun sign | Moon sign | Rising Sign

To gain a holistic perspective of how this full moon energy will manifest for you

Earth Signs - Virgo | Capricorn | Taurus

The moon in Virgo will show a period of considerable emotional expression and sensitivity in regards to others and yourself. The health of your physical body will be of concern, maybe you let go of a destructive mindset or let go of that diet that was causing emotional and physical distress. Weight matters are often experienced during this time, so be mindful of your food and drink consumption. Contacts from foreign lands could show up during this full moon that could be of importance, look out for those opportunities just in case

Water Signs - Pisces | Cancer | Scorpio

The moon in Virgo will show a period of increased contact with your friends, groups and organisation, this could be a great time to reflect on your support system and how have your goals been supported in this group. All your relationships will be highlighted both personal and public, this is a great time to reflect on your business plan with your business partner or to reflect on your marriage, friendships, what is coming up? what doesn't work anymore? what needs to transition? Do look out for communication in the form of a phone call, text, email or social media that can be of serious importance during these few days the full moon is here.

Fire Signs - Leo | Sagittarius | Aries

The moon in Virgo will show a period of increased emphasis on your professional and business desire, you may want to transition to a career that allows you more social status and financial freedom, this could be a time where you make practical plans to make that happen, maybe get ready to ask for a raise at work, or complete let go and start a new. Matters dealing with money will be of importance, normally this also brings up self-worth matters, what are your underlying commitment to money? what habits are stopping you from receiving the wealth you desire? How can I increase my wealth? reflect on these questions, and be willing to let go of habits that no longer serve you positively, in general, don't overburden yourself as this can affect your overall health.

Air Sign- Libra | Aquarius | Gemini

The moon in Virgo will show a period of increased sensitivity towards the most private aspects of your life, involvement with parents, grandparents and home is indicated during this time, this could be a great time for home improvements, family budgeting and discussion of wills, legacies and inheritances, matters of death could have you let go and start psychoanalysing aspects of your life. Take some quiet time to be aware of yourself and your environment, meditate, journal or do some breathing work during this time as this will help you organise your thoughts and also let go of resurfacing emotional memories. Your sensitivity is on high alert, therefore use your breath to guide you during this time

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