Introduction for all signs.
Read to get the general vibe of the overall full moon energy
A Full moon is when the moon has moved to a position it is fully illuminated in the sky, so we can see its beauty (if we have clear skies) either way the light of the moon is seen during a full moon, compared to a new moon. Full moon occurs each month (MOONTH)
In astrology, the significance of this monthly event brings about a time of completion. This October full moon is happening in the sign of Aries, the sign that deals with ACTION, LEADERSHIP. Aries is the I AM sign of astrology, so the moon here will project that I AM energy during this time.
The ruler of this Full moon is Mars (Mars is the ruling planet of the sign of Aries). Currently, Mars is in the opposing sign of Aries, which is Libra, Mars in Libra naturally isn't comfortable here, Mars deals with the I AM and in the sign of Libra which deals with relationships, things can get frustrating in this position if Mars has to now deal with the other and not only the self.
So during this time, the little things can irritate you as this is a time of high energy, so be sure you have an outlet, doing a physical activity such as martial arts, yoga, dancing, running, so keep in mind that others also can be easily upset during this lunar cycle, if for whatever reason you end up in a confrontation, reflect and allow a few days to past before addressing the experience.
Jupiter is making positive aspects to the full moon, so it’s best to direct all that raw (Mars) energy to something that will result in a positive outcome, this can be directed towards your business, romantic goals or learning, financial goals, cultural values.
Read below for all three, your Rising sign, Moon sign and Sun sign
(If you only know your horoscope, which is your sun sign then read for that only) if you are interested in knowing more get a chart generated here:
Fire signs - Sagittarius, Leo, Aries
This full Moon is all about you, and how you see this world and the way you express yourself, it is important you look after your body this lunar cycle and listen to what it is telling you. Where have your beliefs come from and how do they help you live your purpose, spend time within your Heaven and, and explore and expand your mind. See where you can have fun or express your natural talents. Don’t just sit on this energy, channel it into positive matters, even if that means cleaning around the house or just playing around with your outfits for the week. If possible do a workout with a close friend or play a fun physical game with a group of friends, maybe after you can share with them your goals and see how they can support you in that journey.
Air sign - Libra, Gemini, Aquarius
this full Moon is all about the way you relate to others, what you can learn from the relationships you’re in, how have you handled yourself with conflict, what value do you bring to the relationship and what value are you receiving in exchange. Direct your energy towards your goals and dreams, towards your supporters and relationships in this lunar cycle. Find full confidence in yourself and take that lead, maybe it is time to bring a project to completion or finally book that ticket for your group holiday, whatever it may be, remember to learn from your close relatives, friends and relationships
Earth sign - Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo
This full Moon directs its energy towards early childhood experiences that come through unconsciously, look at the habits that drive your daily routine, how can you be more aware, so that your reactions come from a place of understanding. During this time, it could be easier to see what you need to transmit through acceptance or change, either one the choice is for you to make. Direct your energy towards your fears and the things that you try to hide from yourself, the energy is to deal with this restrained part of you. This is a great time in the year to start sorting out your taxes, loans or balance out any money owed to others. Do take care of your health and if your work has you seating around all day, make time to do micro-movements to relieve the body and deep breathing to support the body, as air is our first food, so don't allow the tension to build up, find healthy ways to release that's not shopping on impulse for example.
Water sign - Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer
this lunar cycle directs your energy towards your material comforts- food, clothes, house, your earnings and your career. What habits have got you to this point and what can you let go of that no longer serves you in terms of your self-worth, work, physical health and career. This is a great time to dance in private or do something with the family that will help you direct this lunar energy into a positive experience, or simply retreat in music some drums or ommmmmmmm's to heal the body through sound vibration.
For Calendars
For Astrology readings